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Hurry up to book your store in Solano Mall New Capital Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 2:05 pm
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مُساهمةموضوع: Hurry up to book your store in Solano Mall New Capital

Hurry up to book your store in Solano Mall New Capital

Available services inside
Solano Mall New Capital
Solano Mall is unique with a set of integrated services that meet the different needs of customers and investors, the most prominent of which are the following:

An area of ​​high-end restaurants and cafes where the best chefs and staff work to provide excellent services in a calm atmosphere that reduces the endless work pressures.
Modern surveillance cameras that work non-stop to monitor all movements and maintain stability within the project.
Modern electric elevators for easy moving between the different floors in Solano New Capital Tower.
Central air conditioning system that maintains appropriate temperatures inside the various units.
Central shower and firefighting system inside Solano.
Our keenness to pay attention to every detail; There are multi-storey underground garages that accommodate a large number of cars and are fully secured for added security and property preservation.
Integrated security services are available 24 hours a day, in addition to electronic gates that ensure the security of customers within Solano and their visitors.
Power backup generators operate automatically in the event of a power outage in Solano Project.
A large hypermarket that includes all different goods, services, and supplies.
An elegant-style mosque to perform prayers without having to go out of the mall.
Pharmacies with all kinds of medicines and therapeutic services that customers are looking for in Solano Project.
Banks and exchange machines help you carry out your financial transactions with ease and ease.
Inside Solano Mall New Capital, excellent customer service is available to answer all questions and inquiries.
Signs that help you reach a place you want inside the mall, in addition to large screens to display various advertisements and advertisements inside Solano Project New Capital.

About the real estate developer of Solano and the most important previous works

Capital Link Developments was established in 2020 by reputable founders and partners with a good reputation, and it is a distinguished entity that believes in creating a solid bond with clients; As it took place in a critical period and wanted to challenge the real estate market, and within a short period it flourished and established contemporary and diversified projects that are vibrant and meet all aspirations and hopes.

Solano Mall New Administrative Capital is the most prominent investment project that Capital Link Developments has been keen to implement in a distinguished strategic location in the heart of the capital, near the main roads and axes that make the process of transfer to and from it easy and convenient, in addition to the availability of many services and benefits that meet the different needs of customers and investors.

Among the most important previous works of the company are the following:

Kardia Project.
Laval Mall New Administrative Capital.
Dorado Mall New Administrative Capital.
Verona Mall New Administrative Capital.

الموضوع الأصلي : Hurry up to book your store in Solano Mall New Capital // المصدر : •|| منتديات سوفت التطـويرية | :: | // الكاتب: زائر

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